We Angst + Pfister Sensors and Power are official distributor of RoboteQ (part of NIDEC group).

Due to packed inventory, we offer a special discount for the following controllers: KBL1660 (60V, 1-channel, max. 120A) – MSRP: 690 US$ - our price only 495€ MBL1660A (60V, 1-channel, max. 120A) – MSRP: 495 US$ - our price only 355€ This offer is valid till 30th June 2024 and is limited to the inventory we have.  First come, first served - our internal sales is set for your orders. If you have...

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At Angst+Pfister, we don’t just provide our customers with high-quality power supply products. Along with our partner MEAN WELL, we’re also setting an example for society.

With the generous support of MEAN WELL, we donated CHF 15,000 to the organization “Kinder mit seltenen Krankheiten” (KMSK), which assists children with rare diseases. KMSK is passionate about this cause; there is insufficient research around many of these diseases and often no known cure. In addition to promoting medical research and treatment options, the organization is also deeply engaged in...

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Extraordinary performance and faster positioning

Murata has done it again with the SCH16T 6DoF sensor – a combined, powerful 3-axis gyro sensor and 3-axis accelerometer. The SCH16T was developed for applications that require optimum stability, reliability and quality, and it offers extraordinarily stable performance in terms of temperature, moisture and vibrations. In an improvement on previous versions, this sensor has multiple self-diagnosis...

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